I am in LOVE



Before buying from the first place you see the animals available at, do some research on the sellers... A great place to research sellers, find breeders, and find information on the specific species is www.turtletimes.com. GREAT website with a great forum (wonderful people over there too!....and TONS of knowledge!).


Definately make sure to research sellers especially when dealing with turtles.


New Member
New Jersey
I believe they are suggesting to research buyers of any kind, whether you buy online or in person before you make a purchase, no matter when you do it. I agree that research is key. I know you don't plan on buying one now. But the more info you have when you are ready, the better for you and your new turtle. The people here were very helpful when I started thinking of getting my turtle. I thought about it for 2 months and did research for that long as well. I also went to reptile shows to look at turtles and to talk to vendors. I currently have a yellow bellied slider named Franklin. He/she/it is cool. My daughter loves him. It is work to keep his tank clean and maintain the environment he needs. It's definitely more than just keeping fish. Good luck with whatever you chose. I personally like Cagle's :main_thumbsup:


www.turtletimes.com has classifieds and many of the forum members are breeders of varying species. They also allow posting experiences of different places, and you can get some idea of what places to avoid.


New Member
Mesa, Arizona
Thank you so much! I found my exact turtle and will be ordering next week.
Too bad this website is all wack it wont let me edit post or post threads so if i get him it maybe be a little lame not to be able to share photos!


New Member
Mesa, Arizona
Next week I am ordering a Cagles Map.

I decided on it because I don't want a large turtle. Thats why I don't want a RES or such. Cagles are not only pretty, but the smallest of the maps too.
Males get 4 inches but usually stay three or three 1/2
Females get usually 5 but sometimes six.

I am getting a baby, but I hope it turns to be a male. I can house a female, but like I said i want a smaller one.

The black knobbed I found the males to be five inches and females can get up to seven.

Plus, the cagle is only 125 shipped. All the black knobs I have found have been WAY more expensive.

I just don't want to do a huge turtle set up.

They say a male cagle can be housed in a 30gallon its entire life...thats what I have now to put it in but even if it is a male I am going to upgrade it to a 40 gallon once it gets bigger.


I love the cagle's....pretty turtles! Can't wait to see pics! :p


New Member
Mesa, Arizona
Sooooo I feel bad but i decided NOT to get the turtle.
I even got all the things and just realized that I needed to think more on it.
I guess its better to wait and be sure than to spend the large amount of money and regret it huh?

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