I am really just in a panic here...help?


New Member
Lancaster, CA
My leopard gecko, Perry, was a gift from my husband when we first got married in April of 2013. She was a juvie when we got her at ++++++++, but very healthy with a nice fat tail. She has since had minor digestive problems that settled themselves out perfectly, but I woke up this morning to something that I can not even explain.
She hasn't been eating for a couple of days (crickets) so I left her alone, keeping her water fresh and her enclosure clean. She got a little lethargic but not so much more than usual, so I wan't worried. Now, she has a huge bloody bubble coming out of her rear end and I just dont know how to handle it. She is stumbling around, obviously in pain. Has anyone ever seen anything like this before? Am I missing a vital piece of information to understand this? I am just freaking out and have no idea what to do.


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
It sounds like you may be describing a prolapse. That sort of medical issue requires treatment from a veterinarian, and I would recommend seeking one out as soon as you are able.

There's a little paragraph about prolapse if you scan down on this web page:
Leopard Gecko Health | The Gecko Spot

Quoting from that source:
If a vet can not be reached immediately, the prolapsed tissue should be kept moist, by bathing it with a cool water solution containing sugar (if the prolapsed tissue dries out, it may have to be removed by a qualified vet). The sugar in the solution may help to draw out any fluid in the prolapsed tissue, thereby reducing the swelling making it easier for the tissue to be re-inserted (this re-insertion should only be carried out by a vet).


New Member
I agree. I was going to suggest the sugar water before I read the rest of the posts. Just a few words of encouragement, I've had both leopard geckos and snakes survive prolapses and flourish afterwards. As long as you keep up with the home remedies for the night and see a vet ASAP tomorrow I think she'll be okay. If it actually is a prolapse.

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