I am so angry I cant even think...stupid people


New Member
Clearwater, FL
I have a friend who was going to adopt some leopard geckos, crested geckos and 2 sugar gliders from someone he knew because this person was moving and couldnt take them all with him. My friend called me today and said he was now not going to get them because the guy had put them in a storage unit until he could move them with him and of course they all died! A STORAGE UNIT IN FLORIDA! of course they all died! I am sooooo angry right now I just cant even think. That is total animal abuse. My friend would have taken them even if it was only for a little while until he could move. If I knew who it was (my friend wouldnt tell me) I would so call whoever I could on them because in my eyes (and anyone who has any sense at all would say the same thing) its animal abuse.


New Member
that person need to paid for what he did ...... there are many ppl that would care for them...even if its temp.


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
Storage facilities do not allow live animals in their units. That <insert word of choice> needs to be taken out to the woodshed and "stored" after being thoroughly beaten.

James Lamantia

New Member
South Florida
I know exactly how you feel. I have lived in south Florida my entire life and some of the things people do is out right ridiculous. I have adopted many of reptiles throughout the years for the same situations. I can’t believe how many times I found a reptile in a glass aquarium baking in the back yard. The last one that I rescued was a bearded dragon in 95 degree weather in the middle of the back yard. No, cover what so ever. The thing didn’t even have water. When I confronted the owner, he told me that I didn’t know what I was talking a about. He said that they didn’t need water (they get that from there food) and the hotter it is the better the dragon will do. Mean while the lizard is in the back yard with its mouth wide open trying to cool off. After about 30 minutes, arguing with this guy, I finally told him that I was going to call animal control. He must of thought I was joking because he was really pissed when they showed up. Animal controlled made him move the lizard and supply some water. They warned him and said that they would take legal action if it happened again. About a week later I was in the neighborhood so I stopped by and it was back in the yard. I called animal control right away, they came and took the dragon and gave the man a notice to appear. They called me after the vet had checked him out. I found him a home and he is doing great now. I just don’t understand people sometimes..

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