I can't do this.....again! :(


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
In my son's short life of 9 years, I have had to tell him about too many deaths. First his Godfather, when he was in kindergarten, then the man that took over as his Godfather, Steve Irwin, and now a close friend of his grandma's that he saw nearly every other weekend.. Marge and my mother in law taught my son how to play poker, LOL, and they played nearly ever other weekend. Marge has been a close friend of the family since my husband was a child and watched him grow up. She always told me how much she loved my son cause he was just like his dad, and reminded her of him growing up. As my son gets older it's been harder for him, as he has finally grasped death and that it's forever. When his Godfather died, he didn't understand, and it hurt knowing he didn't understand why he wasn't coming to visit anymore. Now it hurts cause my son hurts.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
I know that is very hard. I had been on the recieving end of that bad news 4 times from the time I was 4 yo to 16 yo. If it makes you feel any better about doing it, I think that dealing with that at such a young age has made me a little stronger now. It taught me not to take things for granted and it always stuck in my mind that it can happen any day. Because of that, I made/make sure to always tell my family that I love them and limit the fights I get into because big picture, it isn't worth it. I know it's hard and I regret when I will be the one passing on the news, but not telling isn't an option and the sooner you do, the sooner he can learn to live with the fact and get by just fine. Good luck Felicia, sorry for your losses.


Felicia, I am in the same boat! My daughter was 6 when we lost my dad, she didn't quite understand death and it was hard when she would tell me not to cry and took it like it was nothing. She did miss him as time went by she realized he was gone she would cry more and act differently. Then her best friends mom gave birth to a baby that died from the cord around its neck and she had a funeral so my daughter begged to go and that was truely the worst thing to see this little baby in that coffin. And I realized after seeing that beautiful little baby,that wasn't a good thing to see for a 7 year old. Then my mom recently passed away Oct 25 06 and my daughter age 12 and I witnessed her terrible death and that was it for her. Now we are both under a Dr care and on meds because she is freaking out and I have PTSD. But one thing that she understands now is that her grandma is at peace. But she is having trouble doing her school work and gets very mean one min and then crying the next. I do feel your pain too. Its the hardest thing to tell a child about someone close has passed away. The Dr said its always best to say first that they are now at peace and slowly explain what happened. It will be a shock but its easier I think to make sure they understand death is a normal part of life. But its still never easy. Now her grandma on her father side has Congested Heart Failure, Diabetes and Kidney failure and it will be just a matter of time. Luckily she isn't close to her, she was in California and now Colorado under the care of her daughter. I am so sorry for the losses you have had and I hope your boy handles it fairly well. Please let us know how it goes and we are here if you need us! You all have helped me so much too. Good Luck, Deb
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I feel so sorry for you and your son. My grandpa passed away before I was even 1 year old. It makes me cry now to think about it, because at the time, I wasn't able to create memories with him or let alone understand death itself. I believe that the hardest part of life is death. God bless you and your family, and I hope he is able to recover soon from these sudden losses.


New Member
I'm so sorry for your family's loss. I hope your son takes the news ok. If you need to talk you know where to find me. My away message is always on but im really there (shhhh!) So just IM me if you need me.

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