i could use some help?


New Member
i recently bought a group of leos for 50$ all un related 2 males 3 females. i bought them to add to my colection to total 8 but i decided i may breed them. so i would love to know what you think they are morph wise and who should go with who. please note that i am new to leos but keep dragons. they are not up to weight as of right now so all of this is in the future. only 1 pair of leos has breed. i will post there weights of when i first got them sunday. weights are rough because i forgot to write them down. will add them in more posts.

( female) 19g
shtctb eye.jpeg

(male) 17g
big boy 1.jpg
big boy 3.jpg
big boy 4.jpeg
big boy eye.jpeg

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