I already got a Hypo and a normal, I was REALLY hoping for something else! The tangerine almost glows neon, The employees had a fit over it as they have never seen one like it and they see LOTs.. I've never seen one like it before in a chain store and I go to three of them all the time. Hoping it will turn out different then my yellow hypo..
They seem to eat really well, the Tangerine is a maniac flying after Crickets.. they are both mild tempered comparied to the other babies I have had.. so crossing fingers they stay healthy..
The top one looks like it is a Mack Snow and you can't tell if its hypo until its adult since the black spots can appear and leave as they age.
Bottom is a beautiful Tangerine that might end up being Super Hypo or Hypo Carrot Tailed Baldy. Only time will tell.