I got baby mealies!


New Member
Seminole, Fl
So stupid I know, but I finally have mini mealies. I actually forgot about separating the beetles out of thier container and figured I better and leave the gutload to sit. When I looked close after moving the beetles there were a ton-I mean a ton of mini mealies. There were so many I ended up splitting the gutload in half to another container and added more food plus some carrots. I'm so excited to finally start our mealie colony.
Now pregnant mom brain just has to remember to move the beetles again in another month :)


How long did it take from beetles to baby mealies?
I've got a whole bunch of beetles now...just hoping they lay eggs. I've got them in two separate bed...but thinking of moving them to three to split them up a bit more.
Lucky you!!!


New Member
Seminole, Fl
There's a thread somewhere on here-I asked the same thing maybe a month ago?
The reply I got though was about a month. So after a month move your beetles and take a real close look at the gutload you just took them out of. You would maybe see the bedding moving around, but you won't see the worms-they're too tiny. Maybe with a magnifying glass? Then just put gutload and slivers of carrots and they will grow.
I had a ton of beetles-for some reason my mealies turned so fast. I think I made a mistake and ordered large and it got hot in our garage. I should have split them I think into 2 containers instead of keeping them in one or just a bigger container like a 5qrt bin. I hope within 6m or so we'll be able to support our small group with our own mealies and not have to order any more. I don't know how fast mealies grow.
If you want to start yours make sure if you order some mealies, to set aside some just for turning into beetles until you have your colony established. Oh and separate the pupae from the worms and beetles so they don't get nibbled on maybe. I think total you could have like a small 4 bin system and be fine. That's how I'm set up currently.


Thanks for the answer. I think heat has a lot to do with how fast they change. I put mine in a warmer place and the worms just started pupating fast.
When I buy the next batch, I'll be keeping them in a cooler place. I'll be happy when I can get a colony started that keeps going.


New Member
Weymouth MA
I have 1 beetle & one...I have to go look up the right term--ugly lookin' white bugger. I may regret it later, but you can't resist trying to 'grow your own'. Good luck with getting the right numbers going.

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