I got nibbed yestereday


Happy Gecko Family
Marly nibbed on me last night, thanks to my husband. Well, I was watching TV when my husband came out from the gecko room and told me when he picked up Marly (male), he was sniffing all over his hand and got very excited, licking the vent and even making noises. I knew immediately that my husband must have held a female before he picked up Marly; told him he should've put Marly back when he started the sniffing, but my dear husband argued that he had washed his hands after he held Whitie (female).

After 15 minutes or so, I went to the gecko room to check out on Marly; my husband was there too, he was pretty concerned and had been watching him. He said Marly was still pretty excited and pacing around. And when I put my hand down to try pick him up, he got hold of my hand right away. Not big bites, just nibbed on the area near my wrist. It doesn't hurt at all, but rather scary because he wouldn't let go. I think he "captured" my hand for almost a whole minute before he loosen slightly; so I pulled out my hand. Since it didn't hurt much at all, I was pretty supprised that he managed to drew a little blood!

That's my little adventure last night. I hope he's calmed down tonight and won't go at my hand again...



I Had something similar happen, but much stupider. I was handleing one of my new (at the time) males, when i noteced that the water in another tank was empty, put him down, went in the tank filled water and then decided to check on the occupant, also a male. he attacked, bit, held on for a good thirty seconds while tossing his body back and fourth. He got himself a taste o human blood that day. i felt so dumb after that.


Happy Gecko Family
Here is a pic of the little wound:


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