I needed about 5 more bucks for my free shipping at $49 coupon on PetMountain, and decided rather than buy more "stuff" I don't need, or fish food that would have to sit around for a while before I could use it, I'd try out the canned grasshoppers and caterpillars for the girls. Raven will eat anything, Amelia is pretty impartial and more or less just likes anything that doesn't attack her face and that she can get a good grip on, and Orchid hates Phoenix worms, is getting tired of meal worms, and doesn't want to put the effort into catching crickets (such a lazy, spoiled brat LOL). Plus they were like 1/2 the price on PM as they are locally, so might as well try them out, and give the geckos a little treat.
Anyone try them? Did your animals (leopard geckos, or otherwise) take to them, or completely snub them? I figure they can't hurt as a little something different every now and then. They're too expensive to be a staple anyways! (unless they are really packed in?)
Anyone try them? Did your animals (leopard geckos, or otherwise) take to them, or completely snub them? I figure they can't hurt as a little something different every now and then. They're too expensive to be a staple anyways! (unless they are really packed in?)