I have a few beginner questions.


New Member

Going straight to the point, i'm going to have my first reptile (a leo) this month but before i buy everything i need for him i have a few questions:

1 - Can i have a waterfall in the vivarium with a small lake instead of a dish with a water?

2 - I know some people say i can and some say i can't but i wanted two leos on the same vivarium, are they aggressive towards each other? Or just leos of the same gender?

3 - Subs tract - Some say the best is just paper towels but i find it hideous so i was wondering, is there some kind of substract that has more eye candy to it? like wood?

Thanks in advance, and sorry for the newbie questions.


New Member
Athens, GA
1. Don't see why not. I think it would be pretty, although I doubt the geckos appreciate the scenery. ;-)

2. Depends on the size of the tank. If you get two leos, getting two females is the best option. Two males will fight, and a male and female pair could produce eggs you're not ready for (plus the male could stress the female out). However, if your tank is too small even females will fight.

3. You can use the ZooMed Reptibark. I've used it for leos before. The chips are large enough that the geckos won't swallow them, and it is pretty attractive substrate and easy to clean.


New Member
1 - Can i have a waterfall in the vivarium with a small lake instead of a dish with a water?
- If you have a waterfall in the viv you risk the chances of escalating your cages humidity which can cause respiratory issues.

2 - I know some people say i can and some say i can't but i wanted two leos on the same vivarium, are they aggressive towards each other? Or just leos of the same gender?
- If you must house two geckos together I would suggest two females but that doesn't guarantee a thing because they can still show aggression towards each other and stress each other out which leads to unhappy geckos and having to separate them. You also have to make sure that each geckos is eating the right amount of food.

It can be possible but personally I would keep geckos separate which eliminates any and all issues of cage mate aggression and stress.

3 - Subs tract - Some say the best is just paper towels but i find it hideous so i was wondering, is there some kind of substract that has more eye candy to it? like wood?

- Slate/Ceramic Tile, Shelf Liner, Reptile Carpet just to name a few.


New Member
Thanks a lot.

i'll post pictures of my Leo when he arrives to his new home hehe :).

Wish me luck.


Adolfo Caldeira


JK Herp

Going straight to the point, i'm going to have my first reptile (a leo) this month but before i buy everything i need for him i have a few questions:

- Can i have a waterfall in the vivarium with a small lake instead of a dish with a water?

Yes, it would look fancy. :)

2 - I know some people say i can and some say i can't but i wanted two leos on the same vivarium, are they aggressive towards each other? Or just leos of the same gender?

2 males would fight, 1 male and 1 female would breed, 2 females could be good.

3 - Subs tract - Some say the best is just paper towels but i find it hideous so i was wondering, is there some kind of substract that has more eye candy to it? like wood?

Repti Carpet.

Thanks in advance, and sorry for the newbie questions.


Let's Go Bears!
What exactly do you mean by lake? How deep do you want the water? How much of the vivarium will be covered by your "lake". Leopard geckos don't need much humidity. What you're describing for your leo doesn't quite mesh very well. It's like putting a crested gecko in a desert environment. Even though they will probably survive, it's not ideal.


New Member
A "lake" sort of speak, like a bigger exo terra water dish to create the effect of waterfall next to a lake.

Just one or two more questions though:

How do i create the moisty hide? Do i have to buy moss every week? Do i have to water it?


New Member
Northern Ontario Canada
A "lake" sort of speak, like a bigger exo terra water dish to create the effect of waterfall next to a lake.

Just one or two more questions though:

How do i create the moisty hide? Do i have to buy moss every week? Do i have to water it?

As has been mentioned I would watch with the water fall because of the high humidity it could possibly create.

There are a few options with the moist hide. I use coconut fiber that you buy in the compressed bricks. You could also use just plain paper towel, that is what I use for my young leos, just moist paper towel. With the paper towel I change it every week, with the coconut fiber I change it every 2-3 weeks, unless the gecko decides to poop in the hide.


New Member
North Haven, CT

We are the in the same boat. I just got my leo a couple weeks ago and this is my first reptile. I am LOVING caring for it so far. Once you're up and running they seem pretty easy to keep happy and very interesting to watch and handle. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.

I used a thin layer of play sand then covered the sand with tile. The sand ensures I'm getting even heat transfer to the tile from the UTH. It's visually pleasing, easy to clean, and the temps are real stable.

Can't comment on the waterfall, I'll leave that to the experts.

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