i just rescued my mom's friends gecko



hi i just rescued one of my mom's friends geckos this is not the one i posted about last week .. the lady i just got her off of says her son has not fed her in 2 weeks, i know there is shed still stuck on her hands and feet, how do i nurse her back to health or is she too far gone i am going to attach some pictures of her, i just gave her some liquid calcium in a syringe , do i need to fed her a slurry and what is the slurry made up of ?
thanks Miranda and a skinny Savannah i could not upload the pictures they are too big but if anyone wants to see them please email me at [email protected] :(


New Member
Hanover, PA
How bad does the gecko look? As far as the shed goes you can use a moist paper towel to try to encurage the shed to come off, mist the cage alittle more than normal also until the shed is completely cleared. Do you mean the gecko was fed once every 2 weeks, or just abandoned for the last 2 weeks, or what? make sure to offer the gecko mealworms or crickets( note some geckos will only eat one or the other depending on what their used to) If he/she doesnt take either of those, then go ahead and try with the slurry



there is nothing to her .. she feels like little bones, i noticed a dark green spot on her stomach like you can see through her skin, i know she will only eat crickets i have to go get some for her, he abandoned her for the last 2 weeks .. should i be giving her the liquid calcium from a syringe and how much and how often i have scene pictures of her when they first got her she was bigger back them and that was in june, i thought she would be able to eat big pinky mice but she can't now because she is too tiny she would not be able to digest it, her son told me that she would only eat one cricket a day how do i get her to eat more ????


New Member
Hanover, PA
Make sure she has the appropriate temps, id recommend going ahead with the slurry. As far as the liquid calcium I have no clue. Me personally Id take her to a vet and get her checked out, get a fecal done. Maybe someone else in here could give you other suggestions. being that she is so skinny id imagine she is pretty weak also, you probley should rip the back legs off the crickets so she can catch them easier, or try feeding with tweezers. Make sure to sprinkle the crickets with calcium, and make sure she is getting some type of multivitamin. Hopefully someone else can chime in here and give you advice also.


I would NOT mist the cage as trizzy suggested in the second post to help with stuck shed. They prefer arid environments, and too much humidity can cause respiratory problems. Warm water and a qtip should work, but do not force the shed. It may take a few attempts, tho. The dark green spot is concerning. What substrate do you have it on? And do you know what it was kept on before you got it? Could possibly be an impaction. Be sure you have proper temps. Abandonment for two weeks is not going to cause a leo to become "skin and bones." They can survive for months if they were properly cared for prior to that. I'm sure this was an on going issue of poor husbandry. You should really get is too a vet asap.


she has puppy pads in her cage she has always had puppy pads in there, i went to the pet store this morning to get crickets and none of the pet stores had any crickets .. one manager said the temps were too warm and all of their crickets had died and they will be getting more next week. i bought some pediatric electrolyte and some baby food and i have given it to her twice today and she will take it from a syringe i have called the vet to see what i should do .. i have no money this week to take her to the vet
i will be posting pictures on mysapce later


She definitely has MBD. You can try adding calcium w/D3 to the baby food you're giving her. She really needs to get to a vet next week when you can. She may need calcium injections also. She's sure a cutie tho!


Aww poor thing!

I agree she needs to see a vet asap, clearly you can see the MBD.

Also that is NOT something that happend over a 2 week period, that look a long time of not being cared for to get that way.

As for the stuck shed, you can give her luke warm water soaks in a bowl or something for about 10-15 minutes and then try and get the shed off with your fingernail tip, but be very gentle.
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she is not pooping

i know this took longer than 2 weeks for her to get like this ... i have been giving her pediatric electrolyte and baby food a couple times a day with a syringe i have been mixing it up with the amounts .. he stomach is full it's allot bigger than it was on sunday .. the problem is now she is not pooping i am afraid to give her any more stuff until she poops
i am going to bring her to the vet on friday or monday anyone have any suggestions until then
thanks miranda :(


Give her a drop or 2 of mineral oil just dab it with a dropper or something at the end of her mouth or below the nose, that might help her poo and maybe you can stick it in the fridge and take it in to the vet.


New Member
Pickerington, OH
Are you giving her warm water soaks? That will help with her un-shed skin and will help her poop. I use a baby bath thermometer to get the water temp to 94-98*F for the soak; take the leo out when the water cools down. I would use a container with high sides to keep her form climbing out and put a papertowel on the bottom so it isn't too slick. What are your warms temps in her tank? Are you measuring temps with a digital thermometer with a probe on the tank floor? Do you have a UTH (under tank heater) as a heat source? You can increase the warm side temps to 92-94*F for awhile to help her poop. After she has pooped you can decrease the temps to the normal range of 88-92*F. I used mineral oil on the end of a qtip and dabbed the tip of the nose and the leo will should lick it off...

Hope this helps until you can get her to a vet next week...keep us posted and we will do what we can to help...good luck and I hope she gets better soon.


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