I"m Gecko sitting!


New Member
Thornhill Ontario
I"m taking care of my neices Gecko for the next week.

I just need a few questions answered and I'm hoping someone here can help...

I read the Gecko Care sheet provided by Golden Gate Geckos and there's some information provided that goes against the instructions I was given...

I was told to feed Larry 2 or 3 crickets in the morning. The care sheet suggests feeding them 6 - 7 crickets every two or three days... Should I stick to my neices rules or follow the care sheet rules? Does it make a difference that she feeds them in the morning as opposed to the evening? Larry seems pretty happy and alert in the morning so I hesitate to change the routine...

Right now we have Larry close to our fish tank. It's a planted tank so the lights are as close to sunlight as you can get indoors. He seems very interested in the tank and is always looking over at it. Again the care sheet suggested that bright sunlight is not ideal. He looks happy, should I relocate him??

that's all for now, appreciate any assitance or thoughts.


New Member
I say stick with his feeding schedule. If he is young then he will eat more anyways. If the light seems to be bothering him you could drape a towel on that side closest to the tank. He might like watching the fish.


New Member
+1:main_thumbsup: Stick with your nieces directions..my guys eat daily too...not always a ton but they have the option. And I agree about the tank he's probably watching the fish LOL:main_laugh:


New Member
first off is it an adult leo or a juvi? and the feeding routine is noted best at night cuz they r more active but if its active during the day and actually eats good then thats fine...the main thing with eatting for them is the proper temps set right and its best to have an UTH (Under Tank Heater) helps with there digestion adults can eat 3-4 every other day and be fine...with babys/juvi its best to feed every day/or night...i have a juvi and he eats about 8 crickets a night....hopefully this helps


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
Interesting scenario :) Larry knows he is someplace new and is checking it all out. His behavior sounds sweet, admiring your fish. The lights have no sun strength by the time they go thru water and 2 sets of glass, so it won't hurt him. He may enjoy having one of those electronic fish tanks when he goes back home :) If the lights are a bit much for him, you can cover part of the tank with a towel. Most important thing about the temporary location is maintaining proper temperatures. Typically, gex eat at night but not always. However your niece has him on a different schedule that works well for them. I would try to stick with that to minimize change that may cause stress that could affect his eating patterns. Their age affects amount given. Kudos to you for looking up a good care sheet! After this week, you may have to have your own gecko :)


New Member
+1 Laney! :main_laugh::main_laugh: Could you imagine little Leo with a that fish tank just sitting looking at it all starry eye'd...with that Leo Grin on his face!!! haha

And for sure Kuddo's Aunt for checking on your Niece's care basics ;) sounds like a fairly mature kiddo, Her leo sounds very happy and well cared for!

Ok now im gonna have to go out and get one of those fish things they put in kids cribs and see how my bonnie likes it LOL :main_laugh::main_laugh:

EDIT: Ok just realized I don't know if you are a Aunt or Uncle...soooooo My bad on that! hope I didn't offend :p
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New Member
Thornhill Ontario
thanks everyone!

He sure is a cutie. Larry and I fell in love on our way to my place. He stuck his little head out of his hiding spot, winked at me, melted my heart and the rest is history. Yes, I will likely want a Gecko after this. He's so so so cute!

He's still quite interested in the fish tank. It really is cute watching him. He turns his head in the most inquiring way. again toooooooo cute.

thanks again for your help I sure do feel better now.

lynda :)


New Member
Thornhill Ontario
Larry is the Gecko's name. My name is Lynda and my husbands name is... never mind, I don't love him nearly as much as Larry right now ;)

didn't mean to confuse you.


New Member
Thornhill Ontario
Well my week is drawing to an end. My niece comes back from Costa Rica today. I'm going to float the idea of keeping Larry for a few more days and see how that goes over.

Larry and I are the best of buds now. He's such a cutie. Every morning I would check on him and he would be waiting for me diligently licking his chops waiting for his food. He's quite the little hunter. I throughly enjoyed watching him while he was in his "stealth" mode hunting crickets.

thanks for the help everyone, I have now been initiated into the Gecko lovers club and I quite happy about it. cheers
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