I made a wooden reptile cage


New Member
I got the design from McCarthyBoas.com, it wasnt that hard to build but I wish the sliding glass came with a bottom rack, one of my girls got out and the search goes on but I added longer plexi that prevents them from escape. I used broken tile as the flooring with sand to fill the cracks. I still need to find a background large enough to cover it and Im gonna build another one for my males and devide it into atleast for spaces. I run the red lights during the day and black light during the night. With the heat of the houe and the lamps my therm reads around 90-95 at day and 85-90 at night, i keep the therm on the geround so I hope that ac acc reading. i have a large UTH but I dont knoe if it would be safe under this on wood. Well what do ya think?
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New Member
Jacksonville, Fl
You could sandwich the glass between two pieces of wood at the bottom to prevent further escapes.

As far as the UTH goes, I would put it in the cage, under the tile. Just make sure you use a thermostat to control the temps.


New Member
Jacksonville, Fl
I was saying to put the UTH inside because wood is a poor conductor.

The auto ignition point of wood is from 575* to 900*, so fire really isn't a risk. I said to use a thermostat to keep the temps from running away.


New Member
lol, I get it, and I got a track at the top but the design didnt have a track at the bottom, but with the longer plexi the cant get out, and I'll put the UTH on once I get a thermastat.

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