I need Help! I deleted some pages on my site

  • Thread starter sacredcreatures
  • Start date


Hello all, I have a site at Bravenet.com and I am having a problem. Somehow I deleted all my gecko and dragon pages when all I was doing was trying to update. I do not know who I need but If there is someone who can help me let me know the cost. The person who did my website disapeared and she never explained how it worked or what she used. Thanks, Deb


Hi Josh, I tried it but nothing came up. I guess I will need someone to help me start all over. If there are any takers let me know what you charge and I can take new pictures and also locate some pics on my computer. The worst part is I lost the info like when they were born and some of the Leo breeders I got my breeders from. Plus I will need to add a crested gecko page and a Fat tail page too. Thanks Deb

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