I need help with my Gravid Female...


New Member
So Trinity is gravid and its been 2 and half weeks since her and Neo mated. She started out eating ALOT and now hasnt eaten anything for 2 days. She already shedded a week and half ago and shedded again on wednesday. Before that she was digging all over her nesting site I put in there for her ( its a cardboard box with 2 inches of peat moss and the heating pad under it) but now she doesnt dig at all. She still has the eggs inside her so i know she hasnt had them yet ( she is also pretty big). She sleeps even more and has little burst of energy (wakes and runs around for a few minutes then sleeps for an hour or three)[ Now she is SUPER active but still hasn't laid yet]. I guess my question is, When is she going to have them? I feel like she should have them any moment but the moment never comes and I'm starting to get worried. Please help. BTW This is my first breed.

This is trinitys belly from the side
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