Hi, I'm Deb and I have a golden gecko. I also have 5 male bearded dragons. My gecko decided to stop eating a month ago
, he's 5 years old, his name is Rocco. I know I'm on a leo forum but was hoping someone could help me. My husband brought Rocco home 4 years ago and had always taken care of him, but he passed away last summer and now Rocco's care is in my hands. Hubby bought him a mesh tank 18"x18"x18" (don't know why, usually geckos do better in glasss tanks). Anyway he's always been a good eater until a month ago when I put the heat on. I live near Vancouver, BC, Canada and it was getting cool. So I've since realized, being at work all day, that he wasn't getting enough humidity. I've since covered 3 sides with plastic wrap and put 4 layers of wet dishclothes on the bottom on the tank (no he never had any type of substrate either), and I've been spraying his fig tree & himself (with warm water) as often as I can. He's lost so much weight (he was always a fat gecko & is 8" long in total length, fat tummy, fat tail) so even though he's lost weight, he's still a good size. I had 2 crickets left from the last batch & they're gone, he's also got 7 roaches waiting in a small plastic tub but hasn't touched them. I know I need to get him a smaller tank, but he's very wild and I"m afraid to move him as he's been in the same tank for 4 years now. I don't want to stress him out more than he's been. I'm going to get him a good substrate that will help with humidity, he's ok during our summers but not once the heat goes on at least this year, he had no problem last year. Is there anthing else anyone can help with. I sure don't want to lose him, even though he can't be handles like my dragons (they're all snugglers), I still want the best for him. Thanks in advance!