I need someone who knows what this leo is.


New Member
savannah GA
Hey guys, I bought this at a pet store because I thought he/she looked kind of cool, like desert camo. I was told that it was a normal, standard leo with a jungle pattern and paid for such. Here is the thing, as the leo is getting older it is changing color. The yellow has left it almost entirelly, the spots are vanishing and its stripes are darkening as well. The leo's whole body is either tan, or brown, and even the tail is darkening to tan.

What is this leo? Is it a wierd gene combo I haven't seen before or something else? I can't find a brown leo anywhere on the net.

Thanks guys. 20150916_115715-1.jpg 20150916_115533-1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
Darkening and graying of color like this is often a sign that the gecko is being kept too cool or is not in the best of health. They can temporarily go grayish before shedding time, but I would expect some brighter shades to reappear after a shed. I would take a look at your setup temperatures and food supplementation/gutloading to make sure he's getting everything he needs to be in his best color.

As for the morph, he's certainly got an aberrant pattern (broken body bands), but I'm not sure whether you can call this Jungle, as that morph usually has broken tail bands as well. I can only see one side of the tail in the pictures, so maybe some of the tail rings are incomplete? He's still young, and his dark patches will continue to break up into spots as he grows. Looks as though he will have reduced spotting as an adult

Jungle - Leopard Gecko Wiki
Aberrant - Leopard Gecko Wiki


New Member
savannah GA
I keep the tank temperatures good, I keep a 75 watt bulb going at all times, blue for day and red for night. My diablo blanco always stays on the warm side of the tank, and basks in the evening, whereas this little guy has preferred the cool side of the tank since I got him. He comes out to bask in the evenings, and is both alert, active and a voracious eater. ( eats more than my diablo, it's crazy) Honestly, he's been grayish since I got him. I would be concerned about a health issue if that were not the case, and if he wasn't so energetic.

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Do you use a UTH? He's probably staying on the cool side because he's trying to avoid the light (it's probably way too hot at 75 watts). Leopard geckos need belly heat, not overhead heat. They don't bask.

Also, leopard geckos can see red lights the same way you can, so his circadian rhythm is probably not working correctly.

I agree with Rachel, you've got a dark colored abberant.


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
If the two are living together, there's a chance the Diablo Blanco is dominant and intimidating him, which could lead him to stay on the cool side (not clear from your comment whether they are living together or in two separate enclosures).


New Member
savannah GA
They seem to get along really well, they will even lie together which surprises me because I honestly thought my diablo would be somewhat aggressive about a newcomer in the same tank. And no I don't use an under tank heater, I did some research and found out that the substrate I am using, coupled with reptile carpet and an undertank heater can cause a fire. Bianca (my diablo) lays in the light and heat from the lamp all the time, she is a little heat lover for sure.

Anyway guys, thank you so much. I really do appreciate you trying to figure this thing out for me. The little aberrant is named Sandile, after the pokemon my fiance's son loves so much. I guess I will just keep my eye on her and see what develops, as I said she (assuming she because Bianca is def female and they get along) is active alert and a voracious killer of crickets. I am going to repticon next month and I will take pics of her there as well.

Thank you. =)


Ghoulish Geckos
Just skimming through the replies, I agree with what has been said already. You need belly heat and most geckos that are dull like that are either cold or stressed. I've seen so many brighten up once they are kept the right way. Your best bet is to keep it alone and use an uth (no lights) set to 90-93 degrees on the hot side (floor temp). Try that for a few weeks and see what happens.


New Member
What are you using for substrate that can catch fire with a uth? As for the coloring, I'd have to agree with the others replies and say your gecko is t getting enough heat. I'd switch to substrate that isn't going to cause a fire and get some sort of uth. I'd bet his/her color brightens up nicely after that.
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