I Need Worms!!!


New Member
My Golden does not like crickets and wife will not have roaches in the house. So this leaves me with just worms I guess. I have been feeding him on calci-worms and the odd wax worm here and there, but my local pet store is out of calci-worms and the meal worms are to big our to small. Also I don't like the quality of the mealies in the store. Anybody got any ideas? I just moved to NYC. I saw the ny worms had butter worms but they are kinda pricey @ 25 for $14.50. This will not last to long. As he loves fat grubby type worms. So if anybody has ideas please let me know!!!!



You could breed the mealies, don't know if your wife would mind that or not. That way you know they are healthy and you will be able to get the proper size you desire.


It's fairly simple actually, most people just use the sterilite tubs that you can get at Target or Wal-mart, when I bred them I used the ones that were like drawers, I can't find them online so I'm not sure if you know what I'm talking about. Well anyway what you do is you want to get the bedding for them, which they sell at petstores usually, I think its by Fluker. Put all the worms in one canister and then when they pupate put them in another, and then when they turn into bettles put them in another one, you want to keep all 3 stages seperate. And the adults usually breed readily just keep an eye out for the baby worms to put in with the other worms. Also you need like a potato for moisture, that's how I used to do it when I bred them.

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