I no longer regret spending $900 on a dishwasher.


I'm baaaaaack!
I've probably ran it maybe a dozen times since it was installed at the end of July until the past 24 hours.

But since the doctor ordered me last night to NOT wash anything by hand because of the gaping hole on mr. lefty I had no choice but to try running a bunch of crocks through the Kitchenaid to see what it's made of.

Superworm juice and dried CGD are one of the worst things to soak/scrub off dishes.

Anyway, I threw the shit in, selected the "ProScrub" and "Heavy Duty" settings and let 'er rip. Damn thing ran for an hour and 45 minutes but those crocks came out cleaner than I ever would have thought possible.

The third load is in there now.

This is awesome.

By the way, I'm down to four fingers on my left hand and my right thumb. The tendinitis (I used to think it was arthritis but I guess I'm wrong) in my index and middle fingers on my right hand makes it too painful to even open a beer, and the doc said my left thumb (the one I cut) will be out of commission for another three weeks. Then today I was opening one of those 12-pack pop cartons and got nasty fucking cardboard cuts on my ring & pinky fingers of my right hand. Bled like hell for a "paper cut".

Sorry this is random babbling but I can't sleep yet am too tired to do anything that requires maintaining a coherent thought.



Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Man Paul, I am so glad I don't have your luck! I know how you feel about the tendinitis, I either have that or carpal tunnel, either way, they hurt!

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
You'll need to start shaking hands with your feet to be safe.

Sweet deal on the dishwasher at least!!! Our crap ass dishwasher (came with the apartment) has to have everything presoaked and scrubed to "work"...it's a glorified rinser and dryer.


New Member
Central California
I :heart: my dishwasher!

Sometimes we take our modern conviences for granted, but just thinking about how much time I'd spend at the sink without my dishwasher makes me shudder.


I'm baaaaaack!
Last night I even ran a few humid hides through it. Not many fit in there, but since I still can't grip anything with my left hand and need to keep it dry, it was worth it.

I had a dishwasher at my last residence that we installed during a remodel of the kitchen and that thing SUCKED. Honestly, most of the dishes came out dirtier than they went in. I never could figure out what was wrong with it.

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