I think I may have a drawf leo on my hands!


Quality Leopard Geckos
Reno, NV
Ok, So I hatched out 17 babies this year as my first year. All have been healthy without defects. But the only thing that I have noticed is that the first one that hatched out was a Tremper Albino and is perfectly heathly and active.
But this little one is now over 4 months of age and only weighs 13.9 grams. Also is very small in length but everything is proportional. Just a little guy. It's strange, I have done nothing different for any of them and #17 that is barely 2 months of age is 15.9 grams and is longer than #1. This guys eats everything always but just doesn't gain weight or grow it seems, maybe 0.1 gram or so a week.
I will post a pic once I get home tonight. I don't have any here.

Has anyone else experienced a drawf leo?

Allee Toler

New Member
Mission Bay, CA
Yup. My girl was 16g at 7 months old (slowed growing around 4 months old). She's now a WHOPPING 29g on a good day. ;] at 1 1/2.

She looked proportional as a baby/juvie. Once she hit about 9/10 months, her head kept growing and now she's got a bigger head.

I took her to get diagnosed, cost nearly $3000. I paid nothing, because of my insurance company and vet wanted to use her for a seminar/in a book. She had bone taken out of her, kidney sample, xrays, brain scan, and just basic DNA.

She's a diagnosed Hypochondroplasia dwarf.


Quality Leopard Geckos
Reno, NV
I will in a couple hours. Right now I am on my work PC where I don't have any of the pics. There are pics on my iherp page, www.iherp.com/csmgecko. The ID is CSM-001.

If she is in fact a dwarf, did the vet say that it was any health concerns or is she just small? Basically not breedable but will still live out her full life right?

Allee Toler

New Member
Mission Bay, CA
Depends on what dwarfism.

GiGi gets shots every 2 weeks or so for vitamins, her intestines won't absorb them, she also has really bad fatty liver disease, and has some problems eating every now and then.

Her life is shortened, but not by much. Once they pass the 1 year mark, the vet will know for sure. My vet told me she's lucky to make it passed 1 year since the growing period is the hardest on their organs. Gi's sibling, another dwarf (the pair have been retired from breeding because if this, and the other eggs were culled) made it about 7 months.

However, with all the problems, I stand by Gi's side and give her all that I can, and she's doing splendidly!

Just looked at the pictures. She looks a lot like Gi when she was little, proportional size, that is, Gi's an LVPA. But the tail looks like maybe 1/3cm smaller than it should be.

But then again, the only way to tell is to raise her up, and get her checked by the vet. =]
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