Hi, I'm Susan. I found the forum on tortoiseforum.org. I've been interested in getting an LG. Advice, comments? I currently own two Russian Tortoises. I've got the reptile fever!
Hello SusieLou, welcome to GeckoTalk! Thanks for joining! You've certainly come to the right place to get great info on Leopard Geckos. Leos are a great way to get gecko fever since you've already come down with Reptile Fever
Thanks Josh! I'm pretty much decided that I'm going to get one. I'm going to buy the enclosure and then when I'm satisfied that it's all ready to go, I'll purchase the gecko.
We pretty much have the same story lol. I found this through tortoise forums I also have two Russian Tortoises! But let me warm you.... One Leopard Gecko is not enough be prepared to want to get at least two more! They are rewarding pets and really funny. But welcome!!! any questions about setting up your viv or anything don't hesitate to ask. I also recommend Petmountain.com get all your heating pads and such there super super cheap!
Haha, yea I think I recognize you, Tanner. I've got a 20 gallon tank. I'm going to check out petmountain, thanks for the advice! I cannot wait to get my little guy. That's how I felt about my russian, that I needed another. I was lucky to find a somewhat local one that needed rescuing. I'm too excited for this Leopard.
I posted another thread with a ton of questions. I'm just getting started, is what it''s called. That would be so great if you could get me in the right direction. When I got my tort I just picked everything up that day. I want to be ready for my gecko.