My current favorite is probably my midnight blizzard Nemesis. She ranges in colors from brown to black to bright purple and with her giant eyes its almost like she's not even a leopard gecko but a fat tail.
But my all time favorite will always be first ever leopard gecko. (Also a midnight blizzard)
That's a tough one. I guess I have to say the one I'm super excited about and is my current favourite would have to be Charon, my new Sunglow baby
But my all time favourite would have to be Lethe. I've watched him - he was *supposed* to be a girl, but it's ok that he's a boy, lol - hatch, grow and confuse the H*ll out of me.
My favorite geckos is a big SHTCTB female, really dark and emerine-ish colors, bright orange carrot tail, just love her!
she's on the right of this photo