I was wrong.


Chicagoland IL
Looks like my temperature sexed female gecko Lyra is actually a boy. The pores don't lie. I guess I can't blame ovulation for his decrease in appetite.

I guess I have to find a new name for him. Actually I think I'm just gonna rename the both of 'em. My second male just doesn't seem to be a Carlos.


New Member
LOL I got two leo's from a breeder a few months ago ..they were both incubated at female tempts ( 82-83 ) turned out ones a boy and the other is a girl ..LOL =( I was hoping they would have been two females, but I'm not complaining I love them all


Graphic Designer
Woodbine, MD
Always be sure to double check them when buying from a show- you never know!

Does he have hemipenile bulges too? I have a couple females who have more expressive pores... at first glance they look like male pores but there isn't a true dimple in them (the hole where the waxes are secreted). Look really close- use a photographer's loupe if you need help seeing.


Chicagoland IL
I'm pretty sure there's a bulge there. I had noticed it when he was younger and thought maybe I had a male instead of a female. But I think the pores confirm it. I'm not really upset or anything. I only have to get used to calling him a boy. And renaming him.

At the very least, this will stop me from trying to breed them. Lol! Maybe some day when I'm more set up for the task, I can get myself all the needed equipment and racks and such and obviously a female.

Oh! And I think I figured out why he wasn't eating much. It seems he doesn't like the "natural light" hanging lamp I keep over my desk. It shines all over the room and into his space. Once I turn it off, he perks up. Or I can open my closet door to block the light. It took a week or two, but no apparent weight loss (i have no scale) and his appetite is back. Yay!

Now I just have to figure out his morph. I got him as a mack snow, but I am seeing some yellow on the tail. I might post pics in the future if it actually starts bothering me.

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