Ideas for male to breed with my females...


New Member
Ok, so I'm looking to try out a small breeding project, just to get my feet wet for now. I currently have 4 females, one of which is looking to be a bold stripe, one is a tremper patternless, another is a tremper and the last is a bell albino. Having both tremper and bell rules out me getting anything albino, since I am just going to start out with one male for now. Any suggestions for a good morph to pair with them all?


New Member
Well, if you only wanted to get one male and were definitely going to breed him to all 4, I'd go for a Bold Stripe Mack Snow or a Mack Snow Eclipse, but that's just me. You'd get snows and "normals" het for your albinos (and in one case, Murphy's Patternless) and some Super Snows, plus snow and "normal" bolds/stripes/possibly jungles if you do the first option; a MS Eclipse male would get you Super Snow/Snow/"normal" het eclipses from the bold stripe, plus snows and "normals" het albino & eclipse (and in the one case, MP) from your albino girls.

If you're just getting started breeding, though, do you really want to do 4 pairings? If odds and conditions favor you, that's a LOT of babies for a first year. I've heard of first year breeder females who managed to produce 12-20 good babies in one year. Take that times 4, and you're looking at a ton of housing, feeding, supplements, and all the rest.

I'm in the middle of my first year with one purchased-gravid female (who appears to be done now) and one late-season breeder who started laying July 5th. That girl has 5 fertile eggs in the incubator, two more due to lay tomorrow, and another ovulation already apparent. Counting her first (and only) dud clutch, she's got 7 (soon to be 9) eggs on the ground and two more coming in two weeks. With her laying every 12 days on the dot, it's been a HUGE struggle just to keep weight on her. I can't imagine dealing with that sort of thing times 4, plus dealing with a couple dozen new babies when I'm still just learning! But that's just my $.02, so you can ignore it as you wish. Just some food for thought.

If you decide to scale back for your first year, I'd go for a Tremper something male for your Tremper Patty and Tremper girls... maybe an Ember or Raptor male?


New Member
Thanks favrielle. Yeah, I hadn't decided how many and which of the females I would breed, so I just named them all off. Was just trying to get some decent ideas from others. Mack snow is on my short list, though I really do like some of the results from breeding trempers, so I may just opt out with the bell girl for now and look into a tremper male of some type. I greatly appreciate your input. :)

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