I have moist hides and dry hides on the hot side, that way they choose. I wouldn't worry about misting unless you start noticing bad sheds, then it might help to mist a little. But just as a general rule I like to keep moist and dry hides so they have an option. And I make lizard saunas using a deli cup, perlite, New Zealand sphagnum moss, and the little coconut huts and my leos and fat tails love them. But when they've had enough moisture they'll go get into one of the dry hides.
Can you elaborate a little more on this sauna? How do you put it all together and such. I envision a lil deli cup full o' perlite, surrounded with moss under a half a coconut. Does it actually "sauna" and make steam? Is it under a spot light or something? I'm intrigued
Can you elaborate a little more on this sauna? How do you put it all together and such. I envision a lil deli cup full o' perlite, surrounded with moss under a half a coconut. Does it actually "sauna" and make steam? Is it under a spot light or something? I'm intrigued