Iguana in a bad mood....how long?


New Member
Elk Grove, CA
I recently rescued a green iguana named iggy. Ive had him for a few months now and he is the sweetest thing ever. I take him on walks with his harness and leash and he normally loves it. He has never bit or tail whipped me and he allways lets me hold him. Just yesterday, I went to put his harness on and he started freaking out once I got it on. I wasnt sure if he was just mad or if it was hurting him so I went to take it off of him. Once I got it off he seemed a little scared so I picked him up like I usually hold him (like a baby) and he bit me right below my color bone. I put him down on the ground by my computer and then took care of the bite...now He wont move from where I put him at and if i go to pick him up he gets all pissy. I dont want to aggitate him even more by bugging him so I dont mind that he stays there considering that its not cold. My question though is how long untill he gets back to his old self and starts to move around and be nice? Im scared that he is going to stay like this and with a little brother thats not safe. I wanted to know from anyone who has an iguana if something like this has ever happened to you and if you know what I should do to make him happy again. Thank You.


slytle90 said:
I recently rescued a green iguana named Iggy.

Ive had him for a few months now and he is the sweetest thing ever.

I take him on walks with his harness and leash and he normally loves it.
He has never bit or tail whipped me and he always lets me hold him.

Just yesterday, I went to put his harness on and he started freaking out once I got it on.

I wasn't sure if he was just mad or if it was hurting him so I went to take it off of him.

Once I got it off he seemed a little scared so I picked him up like I usually hold him (like a baby) and he bit me right below my color bone.

I put him down on the ground by my computer and then took care of the bite...now He wont move from where I put him at and if i go to pick him up he gets all pussy.

I didn't want to agitate him even more by bugging him so I don't mind that he stays there considering that its not cold.

My question though is how long until he gets back to his old self and starts to move around and be nice?
I'm scared that he is going to stay like this and with a little brother thats not safe.

I wanted to know from anyone who has an iguana if something like this has ever happened to you and if you know what I should do to make him happy again. Thank You.

Male Iggy's can be moody especially if they are going through their breeding season

Also males can react aggressively when you are wearing "Iguana colors"

He could also be trying to establish dominance with you and territory in his new home

The most important thing about keeping Iggy's is to learn to read their body language
This is what will let you know if your Iggy is receptive to being handled or if you should just leave him be

If you need to move him back to his enclosure-wear a pair of leather gloves and a long sleeved shirt and pick him up and put him back into his enclosure

OR if he is being extremely aggressive-you can coax him onto a branch and pick up the branch and slide him back into his enclosure
That works with less chance of being scratched or bitten!

Iggy's are wonderful lizards but they are very demanding in their care and complex animals in their behavior to keep as pets

You can not show fear (but be careful and cautious) as they will respond to it and you will not be training your Iggy-you Iggy will be training you

Here are a few links to read that might help explain his behavior

Male aggression relating to human females


Male aggression in general


Male aggression during breeding season



Iggy bites and scratches



It was my pleasure
They are incredible lizards to keep and you should be able to have a wonderful relationship - if you pay attention to his body language/moods

Their size as adults makes them powerful animals to try and exert any control over when they are agitated-as you have already found out

As much as I loved mine (it was given to me as a very sickly baby many years ago and passed away at around 10 yeras old) I would never get another as at my age-I am just not up to the up keep of an Iggy

Enjoy and I hope that things work out well for the two of you

My Spike




New Member
Elk Grove, CA
awwww how cute!

This is my baby...He was obviously not taken care of correctly. They said that they were feeding him iceburg and watermellon and strawberries.




I feed him collard greens, kale, parsnips, mango, and other veggies and some fruits now. He was not active and now he loves to get out and walk around the house and he loves to move.

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