I'll give you what you want.


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3 Year Member
New York
First pictures are of their enclosure. It varies when I refill/clean the water dish. I move things around trying to get a feel for what is best. That one hide on the right is actually a fish tank accessory, but I thought it would look great as their humid hide with the moss in it. Their favorite hide is the warm coconut hide in the center. It looks crowded but it really isn't. It's a 20 gallon tank. The third, cool, hide is the bird scull. No birds were harmed in the making of this enclosure. Water dish, calcium bowl. There's a 20 gallon tank heater pad underneath on the warm side and an overhead light. It's winter in Central New York so today I added a heater to my room because I was worried it was too cool. Temps are great. P1230090.JPG P1230091.JPG

Now, here's the two of them. Mac is on the left with the blue eyebrows and the heart on his nose. He's an eating machine. My little Mac Attack! On the right with the green eyebrows is Pharis. He's got a little bit of an attitude. He shed his tail skin and his feeties were shedding. He doesn't seem to eat as much as Mac, but then again I'm not always watching. He likes shirt collars and crawling onto my back where I can't quite reach him. Can anyone figure out how I got the names? Brownie points. Come on, everyone loves brownies. Anyway, in this image Pharis is clearly upset that I disturbed him in his coconut hut. Mac just thinks it's time to eat again. Little glutton. P1230092.JPG

My little babies:rolleyes:

There! Are you happy now?! Enjoy friends.


Active Member
haha :) They are cute geckos!!! If you wanted to know the morph they are Normal!!! They shall be excellent and rewarding pets! I love your set up they will love crawling everywhere!!!


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3 Year Member
New York
Cute, I know. I figured they were just normals. But, I wasn't sure that you called normal...well...normal haha. I'm already very happy with the place they have in my "family". Thanks. That gnarly piece of wood I put sideways, because I felt it was too close to the heat source. It works out really well. They love crawling and I especially love that there's so much obstacles that they have to hunt around because it just makes it so much fun to watch. They're soaking it up in their humid hide. Pharis shed today.This is really the first I've seen them use the humid hide. They love crawling on the coconut and even on the inside of it. I just caught Pharis drinking. So great.

Also, anyone get where the names are from?


Active Member
I'm literally 100% Norwegian My grandparents are from Bergen!!! And I still didn't know those names were Norsk!!!


New Member
3 Year Member
New York
No, I meant that I'm Norwegian when Amanda asked if I was Scottish.
I have Yggdrasil tattooed on my arm:rolleyes:
Come ON! Someone has got to know where I got these names.


New Member
3 Year Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Lovely set up! But I've no idea about the names. I have a male named Mac, but he is a Mac Snow...

They are still young, but if they don't develop more black spotting as they grow, they might be Hypos. But so cute!


Staff member
3 Year Member
Nice photos! Looks like you've got a great setup for those happy leos! I LOVE the names! Very creative and unique!

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