So my cousin Cassandra dropped Pharis on the carpet while she was standing up. I was like uhhh yea it's ok... But now his belly is looking dark... Is he injured. I saw him eat and he let me hold him. I'm worried.
hmmmm. How far was the fall? He's probably ok but keep a close close eye on him for the next few days. Note any strange behavior. I'd say it's a good sign that he's eaten already... Can you snap any photos of his belly?
I'd say from three feet, give or take. I think I'm just worried because he didn't seem to have a dark of a belly before. I did see him eat and I haven't noticed anything weird in his poop. He let me hold him, and didn't seem lethargic at all. I was just reading on it and it scared me when people were like "oh yea my leo's belly got dark and then he dropped dead" but I found a forum and a guy had posted about the dark belly but that gecko got better fine. And the picture he had seemed worse than what Pharais has. I tried to take a picture but the first one was deceiving because my thumb shadow makes it look so terribly dark and the second one looked like nothing was wrong at all but it's tricky to get a photo because the light makes such a dramatic difference. I put him away for the night, I'm sure he's tired of me trying to look at his belly.
Pharis is fine. He's more active than he has been yet. I was just worried about the fall I think. Also, regarding my other thread, I think that Mac just developed faster than he did. That's all.