I'm Feeling Old! LOL!! Just a Rant!



Hahaha don't get offended by the title if you think you're old ;)

I admit, I'm not too old. I never even felt old - I always considered myself a big kid and I still am at heart!

I just say this because I used to skateboard as a kid and it's been over 10 years since I even thought about hopping on a board again. But I was thinking of ways to make weight loss fun for me and I was like, "Hey... I can grab a skateboard and skate around SF!" So I picked up a skateboard and set out on my journey - LOL!

I skated around my cemented front porch and my garage for 2 weeks. Not so bad, I still had SOME sort of balance, but it was time to take it to the streets! So two weeks ago, I swing on over to Golden Gate Park. They close certain streets for bikers, bladers, walkers, and runners on the weekends, so I find a nice cutty spot and park. I wait for a small crowd of people to walk away and I started skateboarding. My balance is good and everything was going smoothly.

After skating around for 30 minutes, I decide to try a few tricks that I used to do as a kid to see if I "still had it." Usually when I fall, I have no problem getting back up and trying again. But by my 4th try, I fall and land in a weird position. It didn't hurt to get up and the scrape on my knee didn't phase me.

Then, I eat at a restaurant and when I get up to use the bathroom, a sharp pain shoots up from my upper-inner thigh. Crud, it hurts to walk!! Even getting in the car, I'd have to lift my leg up with my hands to put my foot on the pedal. What the heck!! Sitting down and getting up was also a pain, so I get it checked.

I pulled my groin muscle. Treated with ice, compression, rest, and elevation for 2 weeks. What does that mean to me? That means I have to stretch before I skateboard - something I never even thought of! As a kid, I always just hopped on my board, blades, or my bike and rolled away. Now I have to stretch for 15-20 minutes before I even think of skateboarding. LOL. I wasn't allowed to exert myself for 2 weeks, so now that I'm all healed up, I'm ready to go back out there and skate in the park again. Hehehe. But that injury really made me think I was getting old.

Just wanted to RANT because I don't wanna get old. LOL.
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New Member
Weymouth MA
I have to say, dear god! Thank you for that rant because as painful as it was for you, I'm in tears! I race on a sailboat in the summer. Each race I mutter a pray to anyone or thing listening to just let me survive again, keep my back in line, so I can go out & play again. Last season left me with 2 permanent scars and now I'm counting the days til this season starts. And yes, stretching is highly needed! lol. PLAY HARD!
Oakland, CA
Haha. That sucks. At least your ok now? I don't drive a car.. I bike everywhere.. Racing all the people that are decked out in the expensive "biking gear".. and I am a little crazy about it. Anyways, during the winter months I get all sorts of stiff in the morning and I have to strech in order to be able to hop on the bike in the morning to get to work. Ahh.. It wasn't that long ago I didn't need to do that.. Another huge reason that I feel really "old" is because I bike by my old Highschool on my way to work and back home. I graduated in 2002 and.. seeing that there is like "Class of 2008" signs everywhere is kind of scary [and all of the kids there look so young in comparison to me.. haha]. What have I done in the time period between graduating and now? .. :/ Yeah.. Sorry to go off your topic. Just a little side rant.. for your rant. :p And.. Good for you having the courage to get back on your skateboard. :) I don't think I could do it anymore.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Just remember:
Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is an option. :D

Glad your alright and good for you for climbing back on that board!!:main_thumbsup:


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