I'm so not happy


New Member
New Jersey
My 14 yr old cat Jester has been starting to vomit on a regular basis. I brought her into work with me today to run some bloodwork and do some x-rays. Blood work was pretty good for an old-timer. The x-rays threw me for a loop. All the stuff in her belly was fine. Wrapped around her aorta is a good sized tumor. One of the doctors tried to see of he could tap the mass for a biopsy but unfortunately it is so close to the heart that he can't do it. Tomorrow she will be getting an ultrasound and they may try to tap it under anesthesia if possible. Keep your fingers crossed. I so wasn't expecting this.


Aw, Jessica, I'm sorry. Hopefully everything turns out all right. Good luck!


New Member
New Jersey
well I got some good news

Got a call and they think it may be fat deposits. They were able to do a needle biopsy with her awake. In a few days I'll know the truth. Keep your fingers crossed.


New Member
New Jersey
Thanks Jeanine and Katie. She's home and ticked with me(I haven't seen her or heard her since we've been back). Now it's just waiting to see what the cytology shows and that can take anywhere from 1-3 days. Hopefully that will be enough time for Dean, my bf, to get over the shock of the bill. He wasn't prepared for the cost and I "kinda" never told him the exact number when we were finding out everything. I kept asking him if he was sure he wanted me to go ahead and do everything when we saw the mass on the x-rays. I guessed he would figure it would cost money when I asked him 5 times if he was sure. Mean on my part, I know. But I did want to find out what was going on and I knew he would say no if I told him it would cost a hair under a grand(that's including my employee discount). Keeps your fingers crossed for Jester everyone. I'm on eggshells waiting for the results.


New Member
New Jersey
Well here are the results

And it looks good!!
CYTOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION ACCESSION NUMBER: SOURCE: Lung aspirate..MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION: Three submitted smears examined and range from acellular to moderatenucleated cellularity. They consist primarily of benign appearing rounded epithelial cells, present in a few scattered small to moderately sized orderly sheets, and scattered activated macrophages.These cells lie in a moderate blood and associated leukocyte background. No organisms, overt evidence of malignancy or significant neutrophilic inflammatory or hypersensitivity response is noted..
MICROSCOPIC INTERPRETATION: Lung aspirate: Most compatible with aspiration of benign (respiratory)epithelium and macrophages..COMMENT: The cells present did not display significant atypia and would be compatible with normal respiratory epithelial cells. Findings may reflect hyperplasia, or site of pulmonary atalectasis/consolidation.Well differentiated malignancy is less likely but cannot be totally ruled out. Although macrophages are normal cellular components of pulmonary tissue, granulomatous inflammation may also be aconsideration, however no other significant inflammatory infiltrates were evident..

Whoo Hoo!!!:D :D :D


New Member
New Jersey
We are doing nothing now. She seems to be doing fine. We we get close to finishing the cat food we have now, we'll be switching her and Jeb to a kidney diet for her to help with the values(they are just starting to get out of range and her urine concentration is still good). If it continue, then it would be further GI workups with are very involved. Hopefully it won't come to that.



My fingers are crossed for Jester and I pray she continues to do well

I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers


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