


i don't know if inbreeding is a practiced among gecko breeding. Do any of you have a problem breeding siblings together?

I have not yet bred my gecko yet, but i just wondering if this is something that is frowned upon or something that is virtually accepted.

Does inbreeding pose any risk for disease in geckos?

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Inbreeding, also referred to as line-breeding, is a very common practice among leopard gecko breeders.... especially breedng an offspring back to a parent to achieve a desired trait. I would think as long as they were outcrossed with unrelated geckos every couple of generations, there shouldn't be any real problem.

I have never bred an offspring back to a parent, or siblings, but that is why I will never be one of those breeders that come up with any new and cool morphs! LOL!

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