I guess i looking more for a mini fridge that can heat and cool to very high and low terms. The reason i want one that can cool is because my room usually get very hot in the summer. Midday it was 86 in my room and some times it hits 90, taking into consideration that my tanks are right next to the thermostat, but still my room gets very warm. I don't have a ac in my room only a fan, and well my mom doesn't want the bill to high from the ac so we just open the windows most of the time. My room is the hottest because its the smallest and right next to the kitchen. My pets love it but i hate it.
So what i was wondering was whats a good incubator that can take cold temperatures in the winter and cool it self in very warm temperatures in the Summer. I bought one of those mini fridge incubators and well, it failed very fast, so i gutted it and wanted to make my own but i don't know how to cool it, maybe i should just buy a new one.
Throw some ideas for DIY or some links to goods Incubators. Wouldn't mind the DIY route, epically since i don't want to spend to much Money.
So what i was wondering was whats a good incubator that can take cold temperatures in the winter and cool it self in very warm temperatures in the Summer. I bought one of those mini fridge incubators and well, it failed very fast, so i gutted it and wanted to make my own but i don't know how to cool it, maybe i should just buy a new one.
Throw some ideas for DIY or some links to goods Incubators. Wouldn't mind the DIY route, epically since i don't want to spend to much Money.