Indian Star Tortoise or....



Hello. I am thinking of getting a tortise. I have experience with beardies, geckos, and snakes, and did help to care for a desert tortise at a wildlife rescue, but other than that, I don't know that much about them.

I LOVE star tortoises, but a few articles say they aren't the best for beginners. I would love some suggestions, and any feedback on care, other tortoises that stay small, etc.

I have done research, but much of what I reads is contradicting.



P.S. I know this is in the wrong place, but I couldn't find the right forum.....


I`m a big fan of smaller Tortoises, such as Russians,Greeks, and Libyans. But the biggest thing when getting these species is the fact that around 75% are Wild Caught Adults. But Captive Bred Russians aren't extremely difficult to find, check the Classifieds, and Faunas BOI when it comes to dealing with Tortoises as there are tons of Shady Dealers out there.


There is a really great reptile store near my house. They have lots of baby and adult tortoises. So, finding a good breeder is not an issue. They have so many different ones, that deciding on one is the hard part :)

I guess what I want to know, is if there are any other beautiful, small, and easier cared for tortoises out there that I should consider :)

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