Instant Fat Tail ProjectWhiteout group

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
If you're interested in jumping head first into the African Fat Tail market this collection is for you!!! Instantly go from zero to hero at your local reptile shows without dropping 5k+ to start playing with the big dogs.
Group is SOLD!!!!

- normal male no hets (from zero parent)
- whiteout female
-het patty male
-het patty female
-66% het patty female
-amel het whitsox male
-abberrent amel female
-amel female
-het amel
-het amel
-amel female

This group is easily priced at over $2,600. But it can be yours for $2,200.00 Shipped to your door. Remember since Ship Your Reptiles is semi on vacation and we can't get the killer shipping rates this would easily be roughly $100 just to ship alone.

If interested please e-mail us at [email protected]
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