Introduce or not??


New Member
Western NY
My 3.5 yr old female Blazing Blizzard is housed in a 20 gal long. She has been alone for around a year now, before that time she was housed with our other female. She got along with the other female without any issues. My husband just went to pickup an unwanted Albino whose owner "got tired of it". For now it will be setup in a 10 gallon and kept apart from my other girl for at least 1-2 months. I was wondering though if the new one is a female should I consider putting them together? Would they prefer to live alone?
The other option is that my 55 gallon fish tank is down to only a handful of fish and a few snails. I've toyed with downsizing the fish to a smaller tank and using the 55 gal for my gecko (and had previously thought about getting another one or two to keep in there as well).
Any opinions are appreciated!!


New Member
Its up to you. Mine that are housed together seem happier than the ones who are still in quarantine, but I also offer a lot of hides. I have 1 40 gallon breeder that has 4 in there, and they have 7 hides (two moist). Interestingly enough, I'll usually lift one of the turtle shell hides and see three crammed in there cuddling.

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