Introducing male and female questions..


New Member
I don't know if this is the right section or not so excuse me if it's not. I have a few questions about this and would greatly appreciate any and all help.

I have a male 4yr old raptor housed in a 20gal long tank by himself right now. I found a female that i want to get, she is from the same breeder i got my raptor from. They have actually bred together before too. I have a 10gal leeder tank setup to qt her in if I get her.

Can I house them together full time once she is done with her qt? She's a little shorter then him but around the same weight. He was housed with her before and he said everything was fine no aggression problems at all between them two. I have enough hides and bowls so that's not a problem.

I don't know what to expect when I pair them in the same tank and if it's
fine to keep him and her together 24/7. I don't know when the breeding season is for her. He said she's not pregnant as she didn't breed this year.
I just wonder if them two actually being together before will rekindle the flame and it will be all good or if he is gonna be aggressive.

What normally happens when you put a pair together? I want to keep them together 24/7 but I don't know if a male leo will drive her crazy and constantly try to get it on or if they can actually get along and not breed constantly.

I have a incubator from the breeder also he said he will give it to me when I buy the female. It's just a plain ole hovabator. I have a rack setup I just need some flexwatt which I can get whenever.


New Member
I see so many different things about housing leos together, I just want to make sure it's fine to keep them together. The guy i got the raptor from keeps his together like 3-4 females to 1 male and he keeps them together year round.
I'd appreciate any info you can give me guys, I'd like to keep em together year round as it would make it easier not having a spare tank set up just for her.


New Member
I think the main concern about housing a pair together is over breeding. The males seem to bug the females to death and the fights that this can cause. I have a pair that are 12 and 14 years old and they have been together forever. They were rescues that I aquired together and I didnt have the heart to seperate to seperate them since they had been together forever. She has only laid 1 egg since we got her and it was right after we got her ( it was actually fertile). They seem to be past the age to breed so they seem to get along fine.

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