Introducing myself


New Member
Canandaigua NY
Hello all... I'm a newbie and thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Karin, married to a super (and gecko supporting!) husband and two wonderful kids. We were at the (reptile) pet store a couple weeks ago and spotted the leopard geckos. Needless to say, I fell in love. Within a weeks time, I've spent a few hundred dollars and have two nice set-ups. One 10 gallon houses Spyro, our 4 month old, and the 55 gallon houses our 2 adults, Zoe and Ziggy. Once Spyro is big enough we'll add her to the large tank. I've done tons of reading up on them and we'll try out breeding. I bought a Little Giant incubator. I tried it out and it works perfectly. I have everything down to the digital scale, perlite and plastic cups to house the eggs. Now we're just waiting for Zoe and Ziggy to do their thing! Ziggy has not been eating much, but from what people are telling me, I shouldn't worry. My other two eat anything you put in front of them.
I thought breeding would be a great family hobby and the kids could learn a lot. Hopefully we have a little bit of luck!
I'm looking forward to learning from you... hope you don't mind stupid questions now and then! :main_laugh:
Canandaigua NY


New Member
Hello Karin! welcome to the group!:main_thumbsup: I have had my first gecko for about three weeks. shes an awesome creature, and when she gets old enough, i might try my hand at breeding her. we would love pictures of your leos!


Queen of Gecko Land
Trenton, NJ
we would love pictures of your leos!

congrats on the new geckos! your family will definitely love them, they are great around kids (just make sure they don't touch the tail!! ;)) and breeding should be really fun too, i'm planning on breeding mine soon also, we would love some pics!


New Member
Canandaigua NY
Welcome to GF! Are you a zoo keeper?? I love zoos! I used to be a docent. :) Which animals are you over?

My house is the zoo! :main_laugh:
1 dog, 1 umbrella cockatoo (a rescue), a Sunday conure, a ball python and now 3 geckos.
It can get quite loud if the dog is barking, the U2 is screaming (nickname pteradactyl) and the conure can come close to matching her volume.
Some days it's noisier than the zoo!

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