Introducing Rin!!!


Leopard Gecko Girl
BC, Canada
IS she a hypo carrot tail???

Loving how a lot of these turned out...they really showcase her georgeousness <3 in the third and fourth ones (whole body shots) you can totally see her regenerated tail and her spotting. I thought she was a hypo carrot tail I'm not so sure. Any input? In the third one you can see the "stripe" down her back...not sure if this is typical or not but...any ideas?
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Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
she is VERY pretty! she's definitely considered a hypo, but i'm not sure on the carrot tail. it's pretty subjective. some people say 40% of the tail has be orange, others say there can't be any spotting. i wouldn't honestly worry about it unless you are trying to linebreed more tail coloring being that it's a polygenic trait. i love her contrast though. congrats!


Leopard Gecko Girl
BC, Canada
Thanks everyone :D Me and Rin appreciate the comments <3 And as far as her morph goes, it's more a point of curiosity since I've seen various pictures of various morphs that all look a bit like her but have, so far, been unable to definitively identify her morph....oh well, I love her to death anyways :p

Look at her little stubby tail! :p Shes a cutie!!!

hahaha yah...I still feel like a loser for having had to watch her re-coup from not one but TWO tail losses, due to gecko "loving" cat that somehow managed to squeeze into the tank and nab her tail :main_thumbsdown:, but I gotta say, I love her stub. My friends are all like "No offence but ewwwww" and I'm totally like "You guys are retarded! Her little stubby is adorable..."

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