Introduction of a total noob


New Member
Hello all ye gecko lovers! I have 0 experience whatsoever with geckos, and kind of want to breed some different leopard gecko morphs. Tbh, I don't have much experience with any herps, but I do have a couple of pet salamanders, take care of my brother's savannah monitor when he goes out of town and whatnot, and I have a good enough understanding of genetics to know what i'll get when I breed 2 leopard geckos together. I've done some research on these guys and I think my favorite morphs are the Mack Super Snows and the Mack Snow Bell Albinos. So, if I'm not mistaken, if I breed those 2 morphs together, with the super mack snow being heterozygous for the bell albino gene, I'll get a cool little mix of offspring. But, this is just a wild guess. I don't know how expensive and hard to pull off this would be, or how many eggs geckos even lay. So, would this be a good way to jump into the gecko biz?

P.S. You guys need to teach me gecko slang, because I am not going to call all these morphs by their full names all day.

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