Is it worth it to breed dubias?


New Member
I have a guy near me that is willing to sell me 50 sub-adults for 20$. Would it be worth it to buy those not knowing if my little guy likes dubias and just keep breeding them and sell them? I feel like it would, but i want somebody else's opinion as I tend to overlook things:D

SC Geckos

New Member
Okay thanks! I guess I'll just go for it and sell the excess. How many can 1 gecko eat?? Heck, knowing me I'll probably get another one

I would say that if you only have one animal that will eat dubias it is not worth breeding them. Just buy 25 to 50 of the correct size as feeders each time you need some. If you start a colony, you will be overflowing with more dubia then you will ever be able to feed off or sell. I started with 50 mixed nymphs and 2.5 adults over 2 years ago and now I have between 1500 - 2000+ in my colony. I am feeding about 35 animals as well as selling several hundred every few months to try and keep the colony manageable. The females give live birth of around 30 babies every 30 days. This adds up very fast.
They are great feeder insects but require a ton of food to keep them properly gut loaded. I feed my colony 3 oranges, 3 apples, and a hand full of greens and within about 2-3 hours it is gone. They can also eat 2 cups of ground up dog food in about an hour. I feed them this amount every 2-3 days. For one gecko..... I would not bother with all this. JMO


New Member
I would say that if you only have one animal that will eat dubias it is not worth breeding them. Just buy 25 to 50 of the correct size as feeders each time you need some. If you start a colony, you will be overflowing with more dubia then you will ever be able to feed off or sell. I started with 50 mixed nymphs and 2.5 adults over 2 years ago and now I have between 1500 - 2000+ in my colony. I am feeding about 35 animals as well as selling several hundred every few months to try and keep the colony manageable. The females give live birth of around 30 babies every 30 days. This adds up very fast.
They are great feeder insects but require a ton of food to keep them properly gut loaded. I feed my colony 3 oranges, 3 apples, and a hand full of greens and within about 2-3 hours it is gone. They can also eat 2 cups of ground up dog food in about an hour. I feed them this amount every 2-3 days. For one gecko..... I would not bother with all this. JMO

How would I have more than I could sell off? I live right outside a big city with a lot of herp owners, and two friends have a CWD and a Bearded Dragon. And I'm not trying to make a big profit off them either

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