is my female interfile?


New Member
Soo .. my female finally laid her eggs last night between 3am-530am ..

This is her second year, in her first year she laid about 3 clutches .. and none of her eggs I was able to hatch.

This clutch that she dropped ( first clutch this year ) her eggs look kind of different then others I've seen.
( her first year, she would not use her lay box .. but this time she did )

her eggs are .. more long, then round? I'm not sure if it's because she's infertile or not .. last year she was bred with a different gecko. So I'm sure it's not the males ..

can anyone tell me whats going on?
it's 3pm here now and within the 9 hours I've had it in the incubator, it's still a bit soft.

I've attached a picture of what her eggs look like * note the one on the right

p.s - when she first laid them, I could see a red bulleyes on the outside?....

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New Member
Have you tried candling the eggs? There are a few sites that help you distinguish fertile from infertile. Fertile eggs have a pinkish color when candles. Infertile eggs have a yellowish color. Hope this helps.

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New Member
White Bear Lake, MN
Yeah, what you're looking for is bulls eye (red blood vessels in circles) the eggs should have hardened up by now though. I'd let them incubate and wait and see.

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