Is my gecko HET for something?


New Member
Hey Guys!
2 Years ago I decided to breed two of my leopard geckos, to gain some experience. So I wasn't looking to get amazing morphs.
My female I got from a shop (that no longer exist) as a normal, and my male is a Mack Snow which i got from a breeder. I knew that would be getting normals and snows.
They made two beautiful babies, a normal and snow. I decided to keep them both, as time went on i could tell that the normal was becoming more orangey yellow and losing spots. I have noticed that some of the babies had a slight carrot tail too, which i believe is on the fathers side. They also tend to have a pale head.
They bread again last year, and the same thing was happening with the normals, although I have sold most of them. But i still got a few pictures of last years and the year before.
I was wondering if one of the parents has a HET for something or is this normal?

These are the parents, The one in the hide is the male snow. (yes the snow is very yellow for a mack snow but i can assure you he is.)
IMG_0041.jpg IMG_0044.jpg

My first baby, Lucky. She's not looking very bright today.

Last years babies! The juvenile was sold to someone, but he became orange. and Bendy the bigger one, has spots that just go down the spine, and its slowly disappearing.
IMG_0038.jpg IMG_0043.jpg

Sorry for the long paragraph, but this has been itching my brain for a long time.
Thanks. :main_thumbsup:


Ridgewood, NJ
Hets are recessive and by definition invisible. There is no way to know about most from the appearance of the gecko. The babies appear to have some varying tangerine color as you might expect but they appear to be normals/tangerines with some hypo influence. I'm not really seeing any snow but if the baby hatched out close to solid white and black it could be one without much expression.


New Member
Thanks for letting me know about some possibilities, now i don't have to keep wondering. I do have snows, though I didn't put any photos of them. They did hatch out very bold black and white, unlike their father, they're staying mostly white. :D


New Member
Thanks for giving the possibilities, at least now i don't have to worry much. I do have mack snows hatch with bold black and white stripes, though i didn't post any pictures to show. Unlike their father, they're mostly white. :D

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