Is she ovulating?


New Member
I think I've asked this before a long time ago on this forum, so I may just being paranoid again... But I actually just noticed this while taking some pictures for the thread I just made in show off your leos. It wasn't as prominent several days ago however.

It doesn't look to me like she's gravid but rather possibly ovulating?




They do share a 40 gallon breeder tank however I've given them a lot of hides (two large hides on the warm side, 4 smaller hides in the middle and cool side, and a moist hide that I keep in there all the time; plus two mealworms dishes and a medium-ish water dish {I leave some calcium in the mealworm dish which I've seen them lick up while ignoring the mealworms sometimes lol}). I had planned on separating them when they neared breeding age so to avoid this incident (if she really is ovulating, I don't think she's gravid), however I think I might be confused on the age they are able to breed versus when it's better to breed them (I didn't plan on breeding them, at least not in the near future).

I can probably separate them if needed however the main reason I put them together is because both of their tanks broke while we were moving (they both fell out of the back of our truck, along with several bags of clothes :p), and I had the 40 gallon still on hand. So I would just have to get some tubs made but that should be fine.

The Gecko Person

New Member
She looks like she is probably ovulating. I would separate them unless you want them to breed and she is big enough.

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