Is there an issue asking for males from a breeder?


New Member
Hey guys. I'm just wondering if there's some unspoken issue about breeders selling males? I've contacted a few and when I ask if they've got any males or if the gecko pictured is a male I don't get a response. Are the breeders not wanting to sell the males to what they consider "unworthy" newer breeders? We've taken a very serious approach to this, and feel like were ready to breed, but I'm just not sure what's going on.



Ridgewood, NJ
How long have you waited for a response? You may just be having bad luck and catching breeders at a busy time when they're having trouble keeping up with purchase requests? I would assume that most of the bigger breeders get lots of emails and probably take longer to respond or possibly don't respond to questions they feel can be answered by looking at their website (i.e. if there are no males then they have none).

While I haven't spoken with a ton, all of the breeders I've bought geckos from have responded to me quickly and professionally. They've all been honest if they don't have or haven't been incubating for males. If they want your business, either now or in the future it's a good move on their part to answer your questions :)

SC Geckos

New Member
Are you looking for adult male breeders or just a male in general to breed in the future? I ask because I see several websites that have hatchling and juvie males for sale. Most of the hatchlings are of course TSM but I see alot out there.


New Member
That very well could be.

It's just that they've been very quick to respond to the initial question or two, but when I ask if they have any males available that's the last I hear from them.

I guess I was just thinking that they're interested in selling, until they find out you want to breed them versus just having them as a pet.

Anyway, this site is very helpful. And we really appreciate everyone's input and guidance on this journey. Thanks Again! :)


New Member
Are you looking for adult male breeders or just a male in general to breed in the future? I ask because I see several websites that have hatchling and juvie males for sale. Most of the hatchlings are of course TSM but I see alot out there.

We're looking for a juvenile male in the 30+ gram range. We wanted to start in the spring so as of now we have 5-6 months to grow him out. Again, we're going to the NARBC show next month so I'm sure we'll find something there. I'd prefer to find something local so we can see the animal in person.


New Member
Agreed Kristi, I tend to incubate for all females, and just a clutch or two from each female go in the male incubator...females are so much easier to sell and find in general because many people take the same approach i assume. Females are easier to keep space wise and if you don't sell them they can be put right back into a project where if it was a male you would have essentially to many males and it would just sit around costing you money...a female can at least produce and make up for the cost of keeping her in the long run.


New Member
Saint Louis, MO
My parents always tended to get male animals when I was growing up and I guess I continued that when I got my leo. I have no intention on breeding and will house any future reptiles separately anyway so the leo being male doesn't make a difference for me. I want to get a few more once I get my mealworm colony up.
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New Member
I don't think breeders would on purpose stop talking to you because you wanted to purchase a male to breed. I think any reasonable breeders know that selling geckos to new/future breeders is a must. If no new breeders are coming into the scene, half of the geckos some people have for sale won't sell because average hobbyist & enthusiasts won't pay over $200 for a pet gecko. Appealing to new breeders is sometimes the only way to sell what you have in stock.

So I'm not sure which breeders you spoke to, but I doubt they stopped talking to you because you wanted a male to breed with. It's highly possible they don't have any males for sale, as most breeders incubate a lot more females than males.

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