Is there something wrong with my gecko?


New Member

Is what's going on in the groin area normal? It looks like blood/scabbing to me... Also, I never was sure if he was a he... Is my gecko a girl? Is it losing its tail? I thought I found some blood drippings on the glass of his terrarium but since the food I feed him is pink I thought maybe he had tracked it about the place and that's what that was... Do they always drop their tails suddenly or can it happen slowly like this? And if the process does begin is there no way to stop it? Or am I just being totally paranoid here... Help!

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New Member
Pensacola, FL
Looks like a male, that's where his penis is. Looks like the flap is stuck open, he may have had a well you know and mistook it for food and bit himself down their. I'm not sure on what happens with that, but it looks and sounds like he bite his penis.

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New Member
Looks like a male, that's where his penis is. Looks like the flap is stuck open, he may have had a well you know and mistook it for food and bit himself down their. I'm not sure on what happens with that, but it looks and sounds like he bite his penis.

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Okay. It still looks swollen so I plan on giving him a short soak in warm water to make sure there is no infection or anything like that, and if there is clots then they will come loose. It couldn't hurt him to do that right?

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New Member
Pensacola, FL
Just like warm water and let him sit in it for a but should do fine, swelling wise might just be the pouch itself, but good to see you're taking caution with your pet

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New Member
Update: so the "swelling" hasn't gone down. The reason I say that in quotes is because I'm not sure that much of it is swelling, and might perhaps be him... Growing down there? Anyway the vent looks clean and it did not seem to hurt him when I took a wet q tip to rub it and see if there was any blood, discharge, etc. which there was none. I soaked him twice, once yesterday and once today both for about 20-25 min. and he didn't love it but he bared through it. He has been eating very well so I assume he has been pooping. No weight loss since I have noticed the problem, and he seems just as active as before, so I am not too worried. If the problem persists, I will seek veterinarian services, but only if I become very alarmed.

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New Member
Second update:
I did go into the vet after the problem persisted, as he pooed and it seemed to open up the wound and he was bleeding with discharge quite a lot. The force of him squeezing the poo out (which I bet was painful) like "popped" it open and released all the goo, so the swelling and all that went down quite a bit. Went to the vet and they tested the poo, no parasites or anything bad but he was still bleeding a bit from his bum and it was quite raw. The vet had no clue how it had happened and neither do I, but he was prescribed anti inflammatory as well as something to prevent/treat infection. He's hanging in there! Poor thing

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