Is this a good set-up?


New Member

This is a 29 gallon tank, that has a warm hide, humid hide, cool hide, food dish, calcium dish, water dish, two digital thermometers with probes, a heat pad, and a heat lamp (the heat lamp is also a UV-B light). The reason why I have the heat lamp is because the heat pad doesn't get hot enough without it. I don't think the heat lamp will bother the gecko, since it is only 20 watts.

Is this a okay habitat for a leopard gecko?


Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
Bright light can cause stress to leopard geckos due to their light-sensitive eyes adapted for nocturnal behavior. If you need an additional overhead heating source to keep the temperatures at the appropriate gradient, then I'd go for something that emits little to no light, such as a red bulb or a ceramic heat emitter. The latter actually produces no visible light whatsoever.

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