Is this a good tank setup



Hi all,

I was given the task of designing a new tank setup for my little brother's leopard gecko. This is my first draft of an idea. There's a side view of the tank, and then a top view of the bottom layer (ie, what it would look like without the second story).

The tank is a 125 gallon tank. As substrate on the bottom layer, I'm thinking a layer of sand with slate tiles and river rocks over it. I know that geckos can eat sand and become impacted, so the tiles and rocks would cover up all the sand--it's just there to anchor them and protect the tank if a rock gets dropped during cleaning. As substrate on the top layer, more river rocks and peat moss. The top layer will be made of plexiglass.

What I forgot to draw in the picture is that the left side is the cool side and the right side is the warm side with the humid shedding hide.

Does this look good? What should I change?


Geckos of Oz
Las Vegas, NV
Its looking good, I personally would not bother with the moss way to messy and just like the sand can cause issues. What I do is keep papertowels on the bottom and use floor tiles in desert colors then on the coolside keep a half size paper towel exposed. This is where they will use the bathroom. It also make cleaning much easier. Also dont forget a water bowl and a small bottle cap or something with calcium in it.

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