Is this a Tremper Blazing Blizzard or a Bell Blazing Blizzard? Pic included


New Member
Hey folks, I'm going to an expo tomorrow and I plan to pick up some more females for a future breeding project.

I have a little problem though. The first leopard gecko I got was a Blazing Blizzard, this was the only one I had not gotten from a breeder at an expo, he was bought from a local shop and they didn't specify whether it was a Tremper Albino - Blazing Blizzard or a Bell Albino - Blazing Blizzard. This creates quite the predicament for me because I was going to buy a female partner for him tomorrow but I don't know which one to buy.

If I end up buying the wrong morph it is my understanding that I will basically screw up the gene pool and in the future if I breed those to another albino it might be the wrong one.
(I've never actually bred any reptiles before so I'm not actually sure of what I'm talking about)

I noticed at previous expos that Bell Albino - Blazing Blizzards are much more rare, and expensive, this leads me to think that I have a Tremper Albino BB because he was cheaper ($60 which was quite cheap at the local pet shop in comparison to the other breeds; i.e blizzards, snow)

IMG_0235[2].jpg IMG_0681[1].jpg

The first is him as a baby, and the second is him today.

When I look at pictures online they're pretty much identical, is there maybe a way I can tell the difference in their eyes?


New Member
Need a better eye shot, but not to many people have blazing bells and the ones that due sell for big bucks, so it is safe to assume tremper.

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