Is this guy crazy or am I wrong


Mack Leo Boy

I was checking the kingsnake classifieds today and saw this post. The guy says he has for sale "call them whatever you want tangerine males". It looks like he has one tangerine albino and potually two nice aptors. The third one is beautiful and they are housed on what looks like wood shavings. Here is the link.

Mack Leo Boy

If people sell aptors for that low price everyone will have them. Then the people with lots of high priced geckos for sale won't get buyers because people are buying from cheap guys who want to sell fast. Then the sellers can't support their collection.


Leopard Gecko Addict
I wouldn't say he is crazy as I know some breeders (extremely well known and respected breeders for that matter) who are/were selling awesome looking Aptors (het Raptor) and Reverese stripe Tangerine Trempers (het Raptor) for around 180 very recently. If breeders have other projects going on and need to move their Aptors, they will sell them for what they need to in order to ensure they get sold. Some breeders are selling Raptors for under 400 quite often now, so I don't see how you think this person is crazy. If he was selling a Patternless Stripe Giant Mack Snow Albino for that much then I would be a bit concerned. In case everyone forgot about capitalism........... what good is it for a breeder to have a house full of high priced geckos if no one will pay their asking price for them???? Think about it.


Seminole, FL
i agree with Frank and homeboy just may be wanting to move them quickly. At the same time I wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. If the guy don't know what they are genetics wise he's obviously not a pro or just doesn't care. Also the wood shavings are another showing that he doesn't know much about leos or again doesn't care.. I wouldn't buy them but they are pretty.


I don't know anything about genetics and pricing...

But maybe he just put them in those tubs for pics?

They look small and don't have hides or anything...

So if that's where he houses them then he doesn't know much lol

As for the wood shavings...he might know about substrate but chooses to use that?

People know sand can cause impaction but they still use it...personal choice I guess


the pet shop i got my first leo from told me to use wood shavings as a substrate and i only stopped when i found the world of forums. maybe he was told the same thing.

Mack Leo Boy

Ok. I just hope those tubs are not the geckos real houses. I didn't know people sold aptors for that cheap. I was suprised when I saw it because I never saw them that cheap before.

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