Is this healthy?


New Member
United States
Saphira is my new little gecko, she is beautiful and I've had her for only a week. I got her on the 17th. So far the most I've gotten her to eat is 3 mealworms and 2 medium crickets in one day. is that good? She seems to only eat at night. I put two crickets in at night and five meal worms. 3 mealworms are no longer there and the crickets can't be found. I had the cage locked so there was no way for the crickets to get out and the mealworms stay in a dish with no way to get out. Is the bit of food she eating good enough? She also finished shredding on on the 24th and ate her shedd that day. I'v weighted her and so far she went from 10 to 9 grams. She didn't eat very much a few days before her shedding and during her shedding, but I think she is starting to eat more now. She is about a month and a half old.

Music City Geckos

New Member
She is still getting accommodated to her new environment. If you try to push her to eat it will more than likely prolong her getting used to her surroundings Leave her be for a few days. Feed her and see how her response is. If she will still not eat after a couple of weeks then I would consider taking her to the vet. Or if she shows signs of other possible issues like regurgitating her food or losing weight. Keep us posted!!


New Member
United States
She is eating crickets in front of me now. She seems to like them more than mealworms and she also is starting to respond to my voice. When i was recording a video she perked up and started to come out of her little hide to see me. She is also used to my hand being in the cage now and just stares at it. She is also crawling all over her cage now and seems to like it. Today she ate two crickets for me right in front of me the moment i dropped them in the cage. I'm so happy now that I know she is eating and I can watch her. Should I start putting more meal worms in now that she is eating or wait til she eats the normal five that I put in, then up it to ten?

Music City Geckos

New Member
As a rule you want to feed her as many as she will eat in about 15 minutes. Some gevkos are pigs and some aren't. You have to find what works best for you. However, with her being young I would feed her everyday until she gets to around 30 grams or so. Then, back off to every couple days.

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